I'd like to take this time to offer a little introduction to the newest members and premiums offered by the wonderful Travel Ape. TravelApe.com the official site of Travel Ape is now offering a vacation packages and vacation deals section. Actually, I'm speaking out of turn. TravelApe.com had the Vacation Packages section for some tim but some new cities have been added, in addition to having added some new cities. These cities include Cancun Mexico, Branson, Williamsburg and Myrtle Beach.
The exciting thing I've noticed though is that Travel Ape really went out to find some great deals for vacation packages and vacation deals in these destinations. First for Cancun Vacation Pacakges I'm seeing a deal for $199 for a 4 day and 3 night package with additional premiums. That's a heck of a deal heading to Cancun Mexico. What's more it appears that several other packages will be offered going to Cancun that range somewhere in the $199 to $499 price for comparable trips that are regularly priced from $799 to over $1000. The deals are very good.
The next newsest group of packages for a destination they are offering are for Williamsburg Vacation Packages. What makes Williamsburg Virginia such an attractive destination for travel is it really is a simple place to get to from many sources and directions, plus it's a great family vacation. The deals being offered are on average for 4 Days and 3 Nights with great premiums that include free meals, tickets to local amusement parks, discounts on all kinds of stuff. The rates for the Williamsburg Vacation Packages that I saw ranged somewhere between $149 to $250 for the 4 day stays. The property where these deals are offered are the Westgate Historic Williamsburg Resort.
One last place that is worth mentioning is Myrtle Beach South Carolina. It goes without saying that many of the best golf vacation packages you could find probably are offered along with Myrtle Beach Vacation Packages. Once again as I observed for the other destinations, the pricing and the offerings are incredible. For anywhere from $165 to $250 you can find a 4 day and 3 night vacation package and mix in a premium that you would enjoy. Participating properties where you can find accommodations for these Myrtle Beach Vacation Pacakges are at the Springmaid Beach Resort, the Golf Colony Resort on Surfside Beach and the Wild Wing Resort of Myrtle Beach. I've checked out all the pacakges coming out and each has there own value. It really is up to the traveler.
We are proud here at TravelApe.com as well as having Travel Ape be a very happy soul. There will be more informaiton about great deals each day and we'll be adding packages to the destinations we currently serve.